Spread Biblical Christianity throughout the Philippines through a transformation movement referred to as Every Church a Study Center (EC/SC) so that local churches may be organized and are able to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the five principles of Biblical Christianity: Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus and Soli Deo Gloria.
We believe in the election, predestination, fall, atonement, redemption, regeneration, justification, sanctification and glorification of the believer in Jesus Christ.
1. We provide members access to our website where they are permitted to download any and all teaching materials – pre-school to adults.
2. Teaching materials in our website are sufficient for pastors to raise elders, deacons, Bible study leaders, Sunday school teachers.
3. Teaching materials are offered free of charge and are not to be sold by members.
4. Members are free to operate their study centers according to their own plan or they may follow our various suggested certificates of completion.
5. Members enjoy wholesome Christian fellowship nationwide and experience the joy of knowing that the word of the Lord is being digitally downloaded in every corner of the archipelago.
1. Our members believe in the five principles of Biblical Christianity: Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus and Soli Deo Gloria.
2. Our members believe in the major doctrines of Biblical Christianity: Election, Predestination, Fall, Atonement, Redemption, Regeneration, Justification, Sanctification and Glorification of the believer in Jesus Christ.
3. Our ECSC pastors are members of good standing from various Pastoral associations.
4. Independent pastors, elders and deacons must have an endorsement letter from a EC/SC Pastor.
1. Members are encouraged to enlist 3 other pastors.
2. Members are encouraged to commit to disciple 3 of their members who will disciple 3 others, and so on.
3. You may use the following methods in evangelizing and disciple-making:
a) Share 7 gospel shorts to Facebook relatives and friends
b) Study and teach the 30 lessons of Christian Worldview
c) Study and teach the 6 lessons of Lifestyle Discipleship
d) Study and teach the 6 lessons of Lifestyle Evangelism
e) Study and teach the 5 lessons of Spiritual Warfare
f) Receive a certificate of completion – Christian Faith and Practice